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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Staff in Year 5

Miss Galbraith – Class Teacher

Mrs Wiles - Teacher - Wednesday afternoon

Miss Oddy - Teacher - Wednesday morning

Mrs Lamb – Learning Support Assistant (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday Friday)

Mrs Wiles - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Joul - HLTA for French



We are pleased to tell you that we have been lucky enough to secure a visit to The Royal Armouries next half term. We will be spending some time exploring the galleries in the morning and then taking part in a WW1 workshop in the afternoon where the children will learn more about being both a soldier and a nurse in WW1. It will be a great experience for the children and an opportunity to learn a lot about World War One using authentic sources.

The date of the trip will be Friday 28th February, to keep costs as low as possible we will be travelling into Leeds City Centre by train. We will walk from school, setting off promptly at 8:55amto get on the 9:33am train. We will be returning to school on the 14:54pm train and should be back at school at roughly 15:30pm. This means we have been able to get the total cost of the trip down to £8 per child – covering travel and the cost of the workshop. Payments can be made on Arbor.

Please note that whilst this is a voluntary contribution, the cost of the trip has been worked out with every child paying the full amount. Unfortunately, if there are insufficient funds to pay for the trip then we may not be able to go ahead with this visit. If you have any issues with payment please speak to Mrs Kay or Mrs Broadley in the office.

The required declaration to give permission for your child to attend the trip is also on Arbor and should automatically come up when you click to pay for the trip. No child will be able to come on the trip if we do not have these details completed. Please can you access Arbor at your earliest convenience and complete this.

Children do need to wear full school uniform with comfortable shoes, they should also bring a refillable water bottle.

Lunch is not provided so the children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, school are able to provide them with a packed lunch, so please let us know if they will require one. If your child usually has school dinners and you would like to pay for a packed lunch provided by school, please also let us know.

Lunch orders will have to be in by Thursday 13th February. If orders are not made by this date we cannot guarantee your child a choice of lunch.

Thanks again for your support,

I can confirm that PE days will be Wednesdays and Fridays this year, starting immediately - as in previous years children are expected to come to school in their PE kit on both of these days.


Kind regards,

Olivia Galbraith
