Miss Galbraith – Class Teacher
Mrs Wiles - Teacher - Wednesday afternoon
Miss Oddy - Teacher - Wednesday morning
Mrs Lamb – Learning Support Assistant (Monday/Tuesday/Thursday Friday)
Mrs Wiles - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Joul - HLTA for French
Mrs Cartwright - HLTA
Firstly, to introduce myself, this is my first year at Manston and I am looking forward to having your children in my class! I hope you all had enjoyable summers and that the children are excited about coming back to school. Myself, Mrs Lamb and the rest of the Year 5 team can't wait for them to join our class!
I can confirm that PE days will be Wednesdays and Fridays this year, starting immediately - as in previous years children are expected to come to school in their PE kit on both of these days.
Can I please also ask you to save the date Tuesday 10th September which is our 'Meet the Teacher' evening. There will be two sessions: 3:15pm in person at school; 5:00pm online via Teams. Can I please request that an adult from every family attend one of the two sessions. This is a perfect opportunity to ask any questions and for me to get to know your names and faces.
Please give the children my best. I look forward to seeing them tomorrow.
Kind regards,
Olivia Galbraith