Please be aware that during the pandemic we have been busy reviewing our curriculum so that it best meets the needs of our pupils. This review includes work undertaken before, during, and after the pandemic. Therefore, some of the information below may be being updated or adapted as we work to update our curriculum to best meet the needs of our pupils during this unique time.
The content below will continuously be updated while this process is underway. If you have any questions about the school's curriculum please contact us to discuss these.
Our School Vision
Our Curriculum Intent
At Manston Primary we believe that all of our pupils have the right to access a curriculum that is well rounded; offers challenge and support to all and helps to foster a healthy respect for learning.
Our ultimate goal is that pupils leave Manston ready to continue their learning journey with the required knowledge and skills to be successful in whatever they choose to do in the future.
Therefore, our curriculum:
Our curriculum covers all areas of the National Curriculum as well as incorporating a host of additional experiences and learning throughout a pupil’s time at our school. This includes but is not limited to: school trips, residential experience sporting activities, a wide range of school clubs, and links with other local schools. We are always looking for up-and-coming ways to enrich our curriculum.
Information about our curriculum is regularly shared with parents and careers through newsletters, meet the teacher events, the school website, and the weekly school newsletter sharing frequent pictures of special events in school which are ever-changing, adapting and making the most of opportunities for our pupils.
British Values in our curriculum
British values are high profile throughout our curriculum and the school takes the following action to ensure that our pupils have a developed understanding of these values. exhaustive, but provides a list of different actions that schools can take, such as:
• we include in suitable parts of the curriculum, as appropriate for the age of pupils, material on the strengths, advantages and disadvantages of democracy, and how democracy and the law works in Britain, in contrast to other forms of government in other countries;
• we ensure that all pupils within the school have a voice that is listened to, and demonstrate how democracy works by actively promoting democratic processes such as a school council whose members are voted for by the pupils;
• we use opportunities such as general or local elections to promote British values and provide pupils with the opportunity to learn how to share and discuss differing points of view;
• use teaching resources from a wide variety of sources to help pupils understand a range of faiths, and
• consider the role of extra-curricular activity, including any run directly by pupils, in promoting fundamental British values.
Knowledge Organisers and Skills Progressions
To support our curriculum intent, we are implementing the use of topic-specific knowledge organisers and skills progression grids. These documents form the starting point for topic areas and the basis of ongoing assessment. Our knowledge organisers highlight prior learning required for a specific topic; list key knowledge and concepts; as well as other subject-specific information. Using these along with our skills progression grids teachers ensure that our curriculum meets the requirements of the national curriculum and builds knowledge, vocabulary and skills.
Please see below an example of one of our knowledge organisers.
Phonics and Reading Schemes
School follows the Floppy Phonics scheme for teaching our pupils to read. We follow their teaching approach and use their resources in school and for home reading. Further information on this scheme can be found by following the link below. If you would like to discuss any aspect of phonics learning please contact school to arrange to speak to our Phonics Leader.
Long Term Plans 2023-24
Old curriculum information
Please follow the link to find details of our SEND policies and Accessibility plan.