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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Staff in Year 6

Mr Spinks – Class Teacher

Mrs Hall – Learning Support Assistant (Monday to Friday)

Mrs Wiles - Teaching Tuesday afternoon

Miss Oddy – Teaching Wednesday afternoon

Mrs Joul - Teaching Thursday afternoon




We are pleased to tell you that we have once again arranged our very popular annual Year 6 trip to Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills for the class to enrich their History learning about life in Leeds during the industrial revolution. We will be looking at the life of working children during this time, which will contribute significantly to Year 6 writing work.

The date of the trip will be Thursday, 27th February leaving at 9:15 am. We will be back by 3.00pm. School are contributing to this trip in an effort to keep costs for families as low as possible, but we must ask for contributions to cover both the coach travel and the workshops at the museum. Therefore, we are asking for £10 per child, payable on Arbor.

Please note that whilst this is a voluntary contribution, the cost of the trip has been worked out with every child paying the full amount. Unfortunately, if there are insufficient funds to pay for the trip then we may not be able to go ahead with this visit. Please see Mr Spinks or staff in the school office if you are having difficulty making the payment.

The required consent is on Arbor, please give this when you make the payment. No child will be able to attend the trip without permission. Please also check your emergency contacts are correct on Arbor as this will be the method we use if required. If you have trouble making payment, visit the Arbor Help Pages for guidance on how to use the App/Online Portal and add to your email contacts for uninterrupted communication. If you need a paper copy, please let us know.

Excitingly, pupils will be treated as Victorian children for the day, so need to dress appropriately. It’s certainly an immersive and eye-opening experience!

  • Boys will need to wear grey/black trousers and a white shirt. Trousers should be tucked into their socks. They will be given a waistcoat and are able to wear a flat cap if they want to.
  • Girls can wear the same as the boys, or can wear a long dark skirt and white blouse. Alternatively, a dark jumper with leggings could be worn and they will be given a smock.

Preferably, no logos please, let’s be as authentic as possible! Shoes would be preferable to trainers if possible.

All children will need a re-fillable water bottle and a packed lunch. If your child has school meals, we can order a packed lunch for you. Note: this will be payable, as usual, unless your child is entitled to free school meals. Please confirm if you would want this by Thursday, 13th February.

If you have any queries please see Mr Spinks.

Thank you for your support,

Mr. Spinks and the staff in Year 6

 PE days will be Wednesdays and Thursdays this year, starting immediately. 



Kind regards,


John Spinks

Deputy Head Teacher 

Tropical World Visit

Here are some websites which will help your children


Practice Grammar & Punctuation Tests Online - SPAG offers practice KS1 & KS2 SATs grammar & punctuation tests. Each practice SPAG test is instantly marked providing instant gap analysis.


Crickweb | Key Stage 2

Free Interactive Primary or Elementary school teacher resources and fun kids games. Key Stage 2 Numeracy, Maths, Literacy, English, Science, Religious Education, Geography, Design Technology, Spanish, French and History, school resources. For kids aged 7-11 years. Great teaching activities for homeschooling.


Free Online Learning & Education For Kids | Funbrain

Funbrain is the leader in online educational interactive content, with hundreds of free games, books & videos for kids of all ages. Check out Funbrain here.

Home - BBC Bitesize

Use BBC Bitesize to help with your homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.


Log in | ReadTheory

Log in to access free reading comprehension and writing exercises sure to improve your critical thinking skills.

Hope these will help.

Please do not hesitate to email or ring me if you ever need to chat about anything

Take care and thank you again

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