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Covid Catch up Fund

Manston Primary expects to receive £16,720 in catch up funding. In line with recommendations from the EEF we intend to use this funding to complement that of our pupil premium funding to: 

  1. Increase our teaching capacity for the academic year 20/21 to support great teaching

  2. Improve pupil assessment and feedback by providing additional support and training for teaching staff 

  3. Increase the amount of one to one and small group intervention and its impact 

  4. Train and deploy staff in effective interventions that help pupils make accelerated progress 


We will measure the impact of this funding of this alongside that of the Pupil Premium funding to see that: 

  • The quality of teaching in school is consistently high and that early career teachers are well supported in developing their teaching. 

  • That outcomes for pupils show improved outcomes (evidenced through internal data). 

  • That individual interventions and support groups aimed at accelerating learning and breaking down barriers to learning have the desired outcomes. 
