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September Starter Information

Dear Parent/Carer, 


I write to welcome you and your child to Manston Primary School; we are really looking forward to your child starting in our reception class in September 2024. 


Starting school should be a wonderful experience for children, and we want to work with you to give your child the very best beginning possible. To do this, we will be delivering a range of transition activities that include: 


Virtual meeting: Tuesday 11/06/24 - 17:30 – 18:00 via Teams 

This virtual meeting will share information about our school, what to expect in Reception and introduce key staff to parents and carers. Click here to join the meeting  


Home Visits: Wednesday 3/07/24 and Friday 5/07/24 

Home visits will be conducted on the days above. Please complete this form to indicate which date would be best for you. 


Stay and Play Session: Monday 8/07/24 15:30  

A stay and play session for you and your child to visit their new classroom on Monday 8th July 2024, 15:30 - 16:30. Pupils with the surname initials A to M should attend from 15:30-16:00 and pupils with surname initials from L to Z arrive for 16:00. Please bring your child to the main entrance of the school to sign in. 


Transition meetings with nursery settings through meetings and staff visits have already started and will be ongoing this half-term. 


Please see the second page of the attached letter for ideas and tips for helping your child to prepare for their start to Reception class and our school. 


If you have any questions that you would like to discuss, please contact the school and we will do our best to help you. 


I look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school in the future. 


Yours sincerely, 

James Clay

Head Teacher

Manston Primary School 

