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Home School Agreement

At Manston Primary we firmly believe that our pupils will become the best versions of themselves when school and home work in partnership.

The development of a positive relationship between home and school is a hugely important factor in any pupil’s wellbeing and development. We have set out this home school agreement to share expectations of ourselves, you as parents \ carers and the pupils themselves.


By choosing to send your child to Manston Primary you are agreeing to the bullet points set out for parents and carers and to support your child to achieve the points in their section.

Please also see our school vision which underpins this agreement.




School will:

Parents and Carers will:

Pupils will:

  • treat all pupils, parents and carers, visitors and staff members with kindness and respect
  • provide a safe and happy environment where all children are valued, respected, and listened to
  • provide excellent teaching and an engaging curriculum to meet the needs of all children
  • teach your child to respect and uphold British values*
  • provide as much support as we can to help your child meet their full potential
  • provide opportunities for your child to practise what they have learnt in school at home
  • regularly share the progress of your child, through books being sent home, online reporting, regular parent consultation meetings
  • support your child to develop a moral and ethical compass for life enabling them to grow up to be the best person they can be
  • achieve high standards of behaviour by providing opportunities for children to act restoratively to develop positive social relationships, promote self-worth and develop a sense of responsibility
  • respect the confidentiality of information regarding each child
  • communicate in an open and clear way
  • provide information to you about our school, including relevant policies, meetings, and events by keeping our website up-to-date, emailing a weekly bulletin and updating an annual calendar of events at regular intervals.
  • treat all pupils, parents and carers, visitors and staff members with kindness and respect
  • make sure my child attends school regularly and arrives at school on time wearing school uniform (or PE kit on the appropriate day)
  • report any absences to school and keep us updated regarding pupil’s health
  • support pupils to complete home learning successfully
  • keep school updated of family contact details
  • let the school know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting my child’s learning, behaviour or ability to do home learning, as this can then be resolved quickly
  • support Manston Primary’s values and vision by encouraging my child to develop a positive attitude, to take risks in learning and try their best in all they do
  • support the school’s restorative behaviour policy by speaking with my child about issues and how to resolve them appropriately
  • attend meetings with my child’s teacher and other staff
  • put in place any agreed actions or measures
  • support and work with the school to ensure that the restorative behaviour policy of the school is maintained
  • respect the confidentiality of each child
  • communicate with school in an open and clear way
  • regularly read information on the weekly newsletter, website, and the online calendar so that I am aware of important details, relevant policies, meetings, events, and information about my child.
  • follow our school rules:
    • We have kind hands and feet
    • We do as we are asked
    • We treat everyone with kindness and respect
    • We always do our best
  • come to school regularly and on time
  • wear school uniform (or PE kit on appropriate days), be tidy in appearance and hygienic
  • uphold British values
  • accept responsibility for the things that I do
  • be responsible for my school and home learning
  • take good care of the building, equipment, and school grounds
  • remember to bring reading books, homework, and letters to school as needed
  • reflect on my behaviour and learning and learn from all experiences
  • tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy

*British Values at Manston Primary: Democracy, The rule of law, Individual liberty and Mutual respect for all faiths and beliefs
